TB Nord succeeded in application of EDM cutting of semiconductors which essentially simplified processes of slicing dicing and gave possibility to reduce cost of dice fabrication dramatically.
TB Nord can produce dices with square and hexagonal cross section.
Dices are produced from slices of extruded material with deposited diffusion barrier and solderable layer (Sn or Au).
TB Nord can produce dices with square and hexagonal cross section.
Dices are produced from slices of extruded material with deposited diffusion barrier and solderable layer (Sn or Au).
As to diffusion barriers TB Nord can propose two variants:
• chemical deposition of Ni-based multilayers with thickness 7±2 microns,
• combined plating via sputtering of thick 150 microns layers of Al and chemical deposition of Ni-based alloys (so-called H-technology).
Introduction of Al layers significantly increases cycling reliability of modules and reduces degradation of modules working at high temperatures, see chapter «Slices with Diffusion Barriers».